Solo Paris Trip, November2003 / 1077foh-R1-006-1A
Nick Fohl 11/30/2003 nfohl --- sixthelement |
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Bon Soir all!
I'm having a great time here and the weather is very nice - cool and crisp. I
can tell it can get extremely hot here in the summer - all the sidewalk cafe's
have little dents in the pavement out front (tar mostly) where the chairs have
sunk into them in while they were melting... as the saying goes, Africa Hot -
Allison and Tom should be able to relate.
I've been very busy. I hit Notre Dame, Pont Neuf and generally stumbled around
incoherently on my first day. Yesterday was fun, the Orsay museum (an old Jules
Verne type railroad station turned into a meseum - the upper cafe is behind this
giant clock face - you can pear out through the works on the Seine (it is on the
banks)) the art there is incredible. At first I was extremely disappointed while
wandering the main open air gallery - sculptures - relatively un-interesting
stuff. Much better stuff in the Concord Art Association or Washington DC in my
opinion - though apparently historically significant to the internal politics of
the Academy & Salon (also, the Plein Aire sculpture garden in front of the
Louvre is much better). But in the galleries, the painting and the Art Nouveu
salon's were unbelievable. really cool stuff that you never see in the US. I
ended up going to St. Eustache afterward but it was closed for some serious
renovation -apparently it has the largest pipe organ in the world - installed in
1980's. then wandered over to an Irish Pub nearby for some beers and
conversation with the barmaid from Dublin, who seemed very happy to see someone
besides her mates who spoke English. Tried to go to the modern art at the George
Pomperdiue center (sp??) but it is essentially surrounded by Walmart - Icounted
at least 2 macdonalds - and the crowds of locals turned me off since it was 8:00
Today, was Eiffel Tower, shopping, hanging out etc... (a little landscape
drawing - before I remembered that I'm no good). Allison, I looked in the window
of the Des Maggots and ended up going in up the street to Cafe Des St. Denis -
where I could stand at the bar with my Espresso like a blue collar parisian -
the 2 maggots was too formal for me to sit by myself... maybe next time.
Louvre tomorrow - hope all is well!
Love - Nick
Please pass this along to others who might be interested - I forgot to pack all
my e-mail addresses and this is coming from my meager online address book -
which obviously needs updating