Links to interesting sites and webrings
Kathy's Getaways - my friend Kathy's online
blog about her emigration experience to New Zealand
Koford's Ice House - Christmas Day 2005
An interesting dry laid stone structure - photos and quick mpeg movie
Mountaineering Guide services I have used and
would recommend again. I am a firm believer that the guide services are
well worth the money. Conditions on many mountains change rapidly and it
is very useful to have experienced guides who know the conditions and can
balance safety with a successful summit. Several times Kaj and I have
been glad to have them - they have guided us around conditions we would have
been forced to be very conservative or the risks would have been too great.
- Ranier
Mountaineering Inc. Lou Whittaker's outfit on Mt. Rainer in Washington.
Lou was the first American to summit Everest from the north side. These guys are great -
they push hard early on in snow school and the trip up to Muir hut to make
sure that everyone in the group is up for the challenge. This helps
the overall chances of the group making the summit because people who are
not doing well (illness, injury, fitness) self select and hang out in the
hut instead of making a summit attempt that would be un-successful.
That being said, I have yet to summit!! the first try was weather, the
second, bronchitis
- Shasta
Mountain Guides. Kaj and I have the most experience with these
folks - Chris and his wife are great and run an excellent outfit. Of
the 3 separate trips we have done with them we are 50% success rate.
The first trip Kaj had altitude problems between 12-13K feet and had to turn
back (I summitted). Kaj summitted from the north side later that
season. Most recently (see the trips for 2003), we got turned back due
to heavy white out conditions. The guides were extremely professional
all around
- Sierra
Mountain Center. Kaj discovered these guys for our most recent big
climb - North Palisades. Located in Bishop, CA these guys have a lot
of technical rock hound expertise as well as general mountaineering skills
and experience. I do NOT like to climb in exposed places and I felt
very safe with them. We summitted the 14K+ North Palisade peak without
issue (despite some fresh snow and ice in August!)