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LoTRO - Firefoot -
Resources for the my friends (and anybody else who happens to wander by the garden gate and snoops over the hedge ;-)
created and maintained by Fogsong
mod date: 12/31/2009
mod date: 04/27/2010
mod date: 07/08/2010
- split page up
mod date: 10/15/2010 - updated information post
Free2Play changes where the Classic Annuminas & Helegrod sets were given boosts.
Included the Light versions of the Level55 Annuminas sets for the fun of it
since they are so good. A thing to note, the Runekeepers Helegrod set is
weird - it has Might and Agility while RK's can't melee? I got all
information from the In-Game Classic Skirmish Vendor NPCs as the Lorebook is
broken/not updated with this info at this time
This is Page 2 of 2 for the Crafted vs Radiance charting - to keep the page file sizes viable
Page One here
Burglars | Captains | Champions |
Guardian |Hunters | Lore-Master | Minstrel | Rune-Keeper | Warden
updated with new F2Play info
updated with new F2Play info
updated with new F2Play info
updated with new F2Play info