One LUA Plugin Page to Rule Them All


Here are the plugins that I have found very useful or look interesting (I will note what I have personally used...)

You should have a directory called <your Lotro game drive> \my documents\The Lord of the Rings Online\Plugins (screen shot here) - if you do not, use the link above for the software and the instructions here on how to set things up and run plugins.  This link has both a video and text on how this works - good stuff Merric and Goldenstar!  If you don't know anything about LUA addons, but want to, this is the place to start as an absolute beginner.

Note:  if you download a plugin, LoTRO won't see it until the next time you launch the game, so you will need to restart the game for a new one to be picked up - so if you are downloading a bunch, do them all at once so you only restart the game that one time

LUA documentation and libraries are here if you for some reason do not automatically have them from Turbine and the most recent patches.

Plugins I have used and think are great


Plugins that look interesting or I have heard great things about around the kin or on the web


Plugin Sites that people are posting plugins to

 this is my directory on my PC - your location should be similar for the plugins
