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Crafting in SWTOR | Skill Trees | Skills and how they feed to each other
- all subject to change, clarification, cancellation and
general mayhem while the game is in pre-release. Where ever possible, I am
trying to link back to the original source material & indicate where something
is not my original content - look for the links.
Crafting appears to have a lot to do with your campanion(s) - you can do things yourself but you also have the option of delegation to your NPC crew. The same amount of time is taken but you get to go off and do things while the crafting is going on (instead of watching Netflix or something while the progress bar crawls along).
General Crew Skills: all appear to have the option of happening in game while you adventure in the open environment or you can send your crew off from your ship to run a mission for what ever you are looking for. The crew will continue to work towards completion in real time even if you are not logged in. HOWEVER - big caveat - while the crew is working, they are not available to adventure with you and apparently some of the things you can have them do can take hours or days.
Gathering - this is various types of scavenging of resources.
Crafting - the actual making of stuff. You are the designer/boss - the crew can only make what you know how to do and anything your crew makes gets tagged as being made by you. The analogy the Devs have used is that Versace makes the designs but he has 'people' to do the actual sewing - and it is his name on the label. One of the things spoken about is "Competitive" crafting - it will be possible to carve out a role on your server as a premier source for very rare items - whether they are cosmetic or useful is not defined (pink top hats anyone?). Schematics are researched from drops in the environment/raid content and also can be gotten via PvP. Environment and PvP tend to be specialized toward their respective playstyle.
from Damion Schubert (BioWare Lead System Designer)
Damion: “We try to make it so that hardcore crafters do bring something to the server that they’re on that casual crafters can’t. What we want is the casual crafter is mostly interested in crafting for himself and crafting for his companion characters, but other than that he is not really doing much other than that. And the dedicated crafters, they have access – through special means we haven’t talked about yet – in order to pursue recipes that are very rare on their entire server. We actually think it’s good and exciting and interesting to be the only guy on a shard that can make these kind of pants.”
Damion on the Forums: "To confirm, your character/crew
has three skills total, of which only one of them can be a crafting
skill. Your companions can only use one of those three skills. Thus,
if your character has the Armormech crew skills, your companions can
only craft Armormech items (i.e. mostly armor). That being said, you
can have up to five companions all crafting armor simultaneously,
assuming you have the resources and space to do so. I've
been playing a build all week, and I know it's tooting our own horn
a bit, but its quite awesome. Checking up on crafting is a great
'downtime' activity to do, say, while you're resting, waiting on a
groupmate to do one of his quests or while travelling. And the
harvesting is wicked fun. Ordering your companion to gather
something while you're fighting has just an awesome feel of "I got
To answer another question I've seen elsewhere, no, companions will
not be crafting lightsabers"
Mission Skills: Various offsite search, trade and interaction skills
Diplomacy - Note, this appears to have some capability for Light Side/Dark Side points.
SWTOR Crew Skills Video
Darth Hater dissection of the video
From the main game site
- this is the current skills (08/28/2011) that have been announced
As you explore planets in the galaxy, you’ll discover a variety of exotic resources and valuable pieces of information. With the right training, you and your crew will be able to scavenge for raw materials, slice computer systems, and track down valuable artifacts. The resources and information you gather can be sold on the open market for a profit, or your crew can use them to craft useful and valuable items. If you like, you can select Gathering skills for all three of the Crew Skill slots available to your team.
Gathering Skills include:
Whether your team gathers resources or you acquire them through other means, they’ll be the cornerstone of crafting. Depending on how you choose to specialize, your crew will be able to construct armor, weapons, implants, or other types of useful items and gear. You can use these items yourself or put them up on the open market for profit. You’ll receive Crew Skill reports even while you’re away from the ship, and if one of your companions returns with the schematics for a valuable item, you can assign someone else to start crafting the item right away on the ship’s workstation without having to return to the ship! Crafting skills are very specialized disciplines; for your three Crew Skills slots, you’ll be able to select one Crafting skill for your crew to master.
Crafting Skills include:
Mission skills are a unique addition to the Crew Skills system. With these skills, you send companions from your crew across the galaxy on various missions to recover information, hunt down loot, or complete other goals to bring you rewards. When you use a mission skill, you’ll select a companion, choose a mission from an ever-changing pool, and send that companion out after the prize. You can choose from a variety of mission skills – is your crew into conducting research? Participating in diplomatic missions? Trading in illicit goods? There are many options, each with their own set of benefits and rewards. Some can even earn you light or dark side points. As with the other skills, your companions complete these missions on their own time and bring the rewards back when they’re done. Any number of your Crew Skills can be a Mission skill, so get ready to put your team to work!
Mission Skills include:
Trifecta Star Syndicate Guild -
Crafting Skill
I am not sure where this guild gathered their information - so in addition to it
be based around BETA information, this info does not reference its source - so
take with a grain of salt.
Archaeology (Gathering)
Archaeology is the study of crystal formations and archaeological finds. Crystal formations contain crystals that an Artificer can use to construct lightsaber modifications and armor for Force users. Archaeological finds contain artifact fragments of Force-imbued technology. These valuable items contain ancient formulas and algorithms used in Artifice and Synthweaving. Archaeological finds possibly conceal rare datacron components that are used in the creation of attribute-enhancing Matrix Cubes. Archaeologists can send their companions on missions to gather resources.
Bioanalysis (Gathering)
Bioanalysis is the practice of collecting genetic material from creatures and
vegetation. Genetic materials include cell fibers, bacterial strains, toxic
extracts, and medicinal fluids. Biochemists use these materials to create
medpacs to restore health, stimulants (one-time injections) that provide a boost
to physical abilities, and biological implants that enhance combat prowess by
stimulating neural networks and regulating brain stem functions. The crafting
skill Biochem utilizes Bioanalysis resources. Bioanalysts can send their
companions on missions to gather resources.
Scavenging (Gathering)
Scavenging is the art of salvaging useful parts and base materials such as
metals, alloys, and synthetic components from potential technological resources
– junk piles, fallen droids, abandoned cargo, and broken-down vehicles. The
crafting skills Armormech, Armstech, and Cybertech utilize Scavenging resources.
Scavengers can send their companions on missions to gather resources.
Slicing (Gathering)
Slicing is the art of accessing secure computer systems and lockboxes to acquire
valuable items, credits, and tech materials. Common slicing targets include
electronic safes, data stations, security mainframes, and biometric footlockers.
They contain lockboxes that can yield valuable items, credits, rare tech
materials used to construct prototype and artifact droid armor and generators,
and mission discovery objects that unlock challenging missions that can
potentially yield great rewards. Slicers can send their companions on missions
to retrieve these valuable items. LOADS'A'MONEY
Armormech (Crafting)
Armormech is the ability to work with hard metals, alloys, and synthetic
materials to construct armor for non-Force users. Vendor-purchased fluxes are
used during the armor creation process to refine the materials to ensure
suitability. Armormechs can reverse engineer their crafted armor and possible
discover new ways to improve armor creation. The gathering skill Scavenging
provides crafting resources for Armormech.
Armstech (Crafting)
Armstech is the ability to work with hard metals, alloys, and synthetic
materials to craft blasters and blaster modifications. Vendor-purchased fluxes
are used during the blaster creation process to refine the materials to ensure
suitability. Crafted blasters include blaster, pistols blaster rifles, sniper
rifles, and assault cannons. Blaster modifications include scopes, barrels, and
triggers. Armstech can reverse engineer and possibly discover new ways to
improve blaster creation. The gathering skill Scavenging provides crafting
resources for Armstech.
Artifice (Crafting)
Artifice is the delicate skill of constructing lightsaber modifications, armor overlays and underlays, focii, and feet and wrist items for Force users. Lightsaber modifications include power crystals, color crystals, focus lens, hilts, and emitter matrices that augment a Force user's combat attributes. Color crystals also determine the lightsaber's beam color. Armor overlays and underlays provide additional armor protection and augment combat prowess. Artificers can reverse engineer their crafted focii, feet, and wrist armor and possibly discover new ways to improve armor creation. The gathering skill Archaeology provides crafting resources for Artifice.
Biochem (Crafting)
Biochem is the skill involved in crafting medical supplies, performance-enhancing chemical serums, and biological implants. Biochemists use these materials to create medpacs to restore health, stimulants (one-time injections) that provide a boost to physical abilities, and biological implants that enhance combat prowess by stimulating neural networks and regulating brain stem functions. Biochemists can reverse engineer their crafted implants and possibly discover new ways to improve implant creation. The gathering skill Bioanalysis provides crafting resources for Biochem.
Cybertech (Crafting)
Cybertech is the skill to assemble droid armor, earpieces, grenades, armor
overlays and underlays, electro weapons, generators, and feet and wrist items
for non-Force users. Armor overlays and underlays provide additional armor
protection and augment combat ability. Earpieces are external mini-computers
that are worn on or near the ear. They enhance combat prowess by giving audio
and visual feedback to the wearer or through direct neural feedback via an
external nerve relay. Cybertechs can reverse engineer their crafted droid, feet
and wrist armor, earpieces, electro weapons, and generators, and possibly
discover new ways to improve their creation. The gathering skill Scavenging
provides crafting resources for Cybertech.
Synthweaving (Crafting)
Synthweaving is the process of fabricating synthetic materials out of crystals, various chemicals, and artifact fragments to construct armor for Force users. Vendors provide premade solutions, suspensions, and composites that are used during the Synthweaving process. Synthweavers can reverse engineer their crafted armor and possibly discover new ways to improve armor creation. The gathering skill Archaeology provides crafting resources for Synthweaving.
Treasure Hunting (Missions)
Treasure Hunting is the ability to track down and recover valuable items by following a series of clues. Companions sent on Treasure Hunting missions can return with rare gemstones used to construct prototype and artifact earpieces, focii, blasters, and electro weapons, lockboxes that can contain valuable items or credits, and gifts for companions to raise their Affection rating.
Underworld Trading (Missions)
Underworld Trading entails the exchange of goods and services on the galactic black market. Sending your companions on Underworld Trading missions can yield rare spices used to construct prototype and artifact implants, rare heavy armor crafting materials used to construct prototype and artifact droid and heavy armor, and gifts for companions to raise their Affection rating.
Diplomacy (Missions)
Diplomacy is the art of conducting and managing negations. Sending your
companions on diplomatic missions can influence your light side or dark side
standing. In addition to light side and dark side influence, possible Diplomacy
rewards include rare light armor crafting materials used to construct prototype
light armor, and gifts for companions to raise their Affection rating.
Investigation (Missions)
Investigation is the skill of researching, gathering, analyzing, and decoding
secret information. Sending your companions on Investigation missions can yield
valuable items in the form of rare medium armor crafting materials used to
construct prototype and artifact medium armor, prototype schematics for all
crafts, and gifts for companions to raise their Affection rating.
The Trifecta Star Syndicate
"You got a job, we can do it, don't much care what it is."
SWG Ahazi Veteran - SWG Beta Tester
The lack of beta invite is … disturbing (*force choke)
Skills and how they
work feed into each other
== Complementary Skills ==
Blasters: Armstech, Scavenging, Treasure Hunting
Lightsabers: Artifice, Archaeology, Investigation
Meds: Biochem, Bioanalysis, Underworld Trading
Gadgets: Cybertech, Scavenging, Treasure Hunting
Force Accessories: Artifice, Archaeology, Diplomacy
Force Armor: Synthweaving, Archaeology, Diplomacy
Medium Armor: Armormech, Scavenging, Investigation
Heavy Armor: Armormech, Scavenging, Underworld Trading
Droid Armor: Cybertech, Scavenging, Slicing
Credits/Missions: Treasure Hunting, Slicing, Investigation
High Demand Mats: Archaeology, Scavenging, Treasure Hunting
Min/Max: Diplomacy, Slicing, Treasure Hunting
== Crew Skills Breakdown ==
Type: Gathering
Produces: Crystals, Force-imbued technology
Feeds: Artifice, Synthweaving
Type: Crafting
Produces: Non-Force user armor
Consumes: Vendor mats, Scavenging
Type: Crafting
Produces: Blasters (pistols, rifles, sniper, assault cannon), Blaster mods
(scopes, barrels, triggers)
Consumes: Vendor mats, Scavenging
Type: Crafting
Produces: Force user armor (overlays, underlays, focii, feet, wrists),
Lightsaber mods (power crystal, color crystal, focus lens, hilts, emitter
Consumes: Archaeology
Type: Gathering
Produces: Genetic material
Feeds: Biochem
Type: Crafting
Produces: Medpacs, stimulants, implants
Consumes: Bioanalysis
Type: Crafting
Produces: Droid armor, earpieces, grenades, Non-Force user armor overlays and
Consumes: Scavenging
Type: Mission
Produces: LS/DS points, Light armor mats, Companion gifts
Feeds: Light armor crafts (Synthweaving, Artifice, Armormech)
Type: Mission
Produces: Medium armor mats, Crafting schematics for all, Companion gifts
Feeds: All (schematics), Medium armor crafts (Synthweaving, Armormech)
Type: Gathering
Produces: Metals, Alloys, Synthetic components
Feeds: Armormech, Armstech, Cybertech
Type: Gathering
Produces: Valuable items, Credits, Droid Armor mats, Generator mats, Mission
discovery items
Consumes: Lockboxes
Feeds: Cybertech
Type: Crafting
Produces: Armor for Force users
Consumes: Vendor mats, Archaeology
Treasure Hunting
Type: Mission
Produces: Rare mats for earpieces, focii, blasters, electro weapons, lockboxes,
companion gifts
Feeds: Cybertech, Artifice, Armstech, Slicing
Underworld Trading
Type: Mission
Produces: Implant mats, Heavy armor mats, Companion gifts
Feeds: Biochem, Heavy armor crafts (Armormech, Cybertech)
The Trifecta Star Syndicate
"You got a job, we can do it, don't much care what it is."
(My lack of a Full Beta Invite is disturbing....[Force Choke])
fonts from David occhino design: aurebeshalternate, ASTRO se SOLID ALTERNATE ,
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