Envirosports NAPA VALLEY
2003 - or Nick's first Triathlon!
back to the main public media site First off - props and thanx to Allison M. for coming up and being my cheering section - it was great and definitely helped my motivation. Envirosports puts on great events - very fun and family oriented, low pressure but plenty of high performance athletes. For instance, the waves of swimmers were not organized by age group which is the normal Tri practice - instead we were organized into groups of 75 people based on how fast we thought we would be. If you thought you could win the overall, then you went in wave 1 and 2 and then 3-5 for 'everyone else' and wave 6 was for those who absolutely didn't want anyone coming up behind them... I had a very good time and exceeded my own personal expectations for my first race - I did the swim and the run right in at the times I had trained at (though those training sessions were single discipline - so turning in a 40 minute run after the swim and the bike made me feel great). On the bike I managed to average over 19 mph though I am not sure exactly what that was because the bike time includes the dismount and transition into the run (strip bike shorts off, put on running shoes, run through the transition area) - anyway, I handily beat my primary goal of 1 hour on the bike :) here are the overall results from the website finally, to show how cool the Envirosports people are (a husband & wife family business), here is the letter they sent out after the race |