- A classic film, fantastic canvas wall art
- now with binder clips to fold up the bottom 2 inches of fabric 🙂
- My Mom made these pillows from some fabric I bought for her from a quilt store on the island of Kauai several years ago. Create colors!
Today my Dad and I finished the construction and installation of the custom art hanging hardware for the awesomely awesome Forbidden Planet canvas art hanging that Tom McGillvray gave me as gift several years ago when we were still roommates in San Francisco.
Across the street from our old condo is a furniture and furnishing store called HD Buttercup – they specialize in low production run eclectic furniture and items as well as left overs. Â Worldwide pool of procurers apparently and lots of wild stuff.
One day, Tom and I wandered in (I think because we were moving out to a rental apartment and needed some different furniture??).  Anyway, as I remember it, there was a giant canvas hanging that was a reproduction of the 1933 King Kong movie poster and my immediate reaction was ‘that is SO COOL !”  .  Apparently Tom remembered it and knew that I was a big fan of the film Forbidden Planet  – so he bought it for me as a present !!  Thank you again Tom!
It is very large so it has been rolled up for a number of years till I had somewhere to hang it – now I do and I have 🙂
We mounted it on a trimmed up and slimmed down 2×4, 7 foot long piece of pine and used mounting hardware from http://www.arakawagrip.com/solutions/art-hanging – which is a cable based system that is VERY easy to move art around.
I think it look super good (plus I have a new, modern style wool rug and some new pillows that my Mom just finished). Â The pillows are super duper cool – heavy white cotton duck fabric and very smooth dyed fabric from Kauai on the front – with embroidered turtles and dolphins.
Things are starting to shape up. Â I might go over to a West Elm store tomorrow to look at some chairs and other furniture that I cannot easily build.
Cheers everyone!