EDIT – if you are seeing slow performance, apologies for that – it seems like my hosting provider, for unclear reasons, moved my website to a server farm in London UK. I have no idea why
A cold start to 2018 for sure – today (Sunday Jan 7) it is negative eleven fahrenheit outside as I am typing this. Below are some pictures from sunrise at my house yesterday morning
We had Winter Storm Gayson blow through fast and hard on Thursday. About a foot of snow, but lots of wind and continued drifting as it has been very cold for the past several weeks – so the snow is dry. Now things are generally wind packed down and layered – which is neat.
I am trying to get back into the flow of regular posting – the last half of 2017 was busy and tumultuous – I also had my job change (and it is still changing) as my subsidiary started the process of merging with two other subsidiaries under my parent company. It has been crazy as we have all been groping around trying to figure out how to make it a success. Things are coming together better now, which is good, since the legal join up happens on 1/31/2018 ! (to give you an idea, we don’t have a name yet )
So – since my last post – what has been happening?
In August, something that the Carlisle Fohls have been looking forward to for a long time actually happened – the driveway at my parent’s house got regraded/rebuilt. It had turned into a definite country lane over the last 4 years – a high center line and deep slopes /ridges on each edge. It had become a bit of gymnastics exercise to keep it mowed properly in the summer and it had become very difficult to snow plow in the winter (the ridges prevented the plow from pushing the snow off to the side for long stretches – he had to just blast ahead which was very hard when there was a lot of snow). My Dad finally was able to track someone down who would actually show up and they did a wonderful job – raised the bed up, knocked down the sides, filled in holes – everything
In September we did some nice outdoor stuff – we took a trip one weekend to the Acton Arboretum – which is a really, really neat place that is right near us but I was not even aware it existed. Some really cool plants and clearly a LOT of love and energy has been going into it for a long time. I ended up only taking pictures of their grape arbor however to get ideas for building something like it myself.
- some nice flowers around the Arbor footings
My Dad and I also, as part of the get moving around outdoors campaign, a short walk over at the Carlisle Cranberry bog. The bog is now shutdown primarily due to the extreme price depression for cranberries – Farmer Duffy can’t make any money farming them and has decided not to renew the lease (the vines are 100 years old and not super productive and the prices are very depressed – not a winning combination). The town is trying to figure out what to do with things.
- From the top of the driveway, September 2017. I tried to replicate the location and the angle of old photo we got from Alice Koford that I posted about in my May 2015 post here: http://sixthelement.org/wordpress1/2015/05/03/old-photos-of-the-koford-property-vs-today/ there is a new Dutch Elm disease resistant Elm tree planted where the old barn used to be – hopefully well sited near the old manure pile!
Both my parent’s and I on another weekend, took a trip over the Minute Man National Park and walked in over to the Hartwell Tavern on the original Battle Road. It is restored and they have an onstaff re-enactor staffers who interpret the site for visitors – who was a very interesting person. We walked down the Battle Road to Samuel Hartwell House. It is now only a frame structure because it was destroyed by fire – but it was an operational restaurant up into the late 1950’s or early 1960’s – my parent’s both have memories of eating there. The whole place is pretty neat – I want to go back again once the weather warms up!
- Hartwell Tavern in Minuteman National Park – along the Battle Road. Photo from https://www.nps.gov/mima
- Hartwell Tavern in Minute Man National Park during our visit on September 19, 2017. https://www.nps.gov/mima/hartwell-tavern.htm
- Hartwell Tavern in Minute Man National Park during our visit on September 19, 2017. https://www.nps.gov/mima/hartwell-tavern.htm
- And more fireplaces!
- Hartwell Tavern in Minute Man National Park during our visit on September 19, 2017. https://www.nps.gov/mima/hartwell-tavern.htm
- lots of fireplaces on the ground floor
- Hartwell Tavern in Minute Man National Park during our visit on September 19, 2017. https://www.nps.gov/mima/hartwell-tavern.htm
- Hartwell Tavern in Minute Man National Park during our visit on September 19, 2017. https://www.nps.gov/mima/hartwell-tavern.htm
- The Bar at Hartwell Tavern https://www.nps.gov/mima/hartwell-tavern.htm
here are photos of the Samuel Hartwell house
- I am not sure what this piece of equipment is/was – but it is neat looking and about 10 feet from the Hartwell House
In late September, I went to the Microsoft cloud computing conference in Orlando – man was it hot and humid. It was in a giant convention center – each day was about 5-7 miles of walking for an event where you are supposed to be sitting in presentation sessions!
- The Swan and Dolphin Hotel grounds in Walt Disney World – the only place that still had hotel rooms
- A display in Orlando Airport for a Florida technical school – lots of NASA mission patches!
October was a blur, but I finally got to take a vacationy vacation – Tom McGillvray and I rented a small house on Nantucket. Pat Clouthier, her sister and some friends also stopped by over Halloween – it was chilly but very fun and much needed
we were in walking distance to the main town – which was nice – and the Halloween celebration was really fun. Great costumes by everyone and extremely family oriented – lots and lots of kids. We saw one adult costume which was a Mexican Pinata with two people in it – they were walking along throwing candy out the bottom. It was really funny and popular as you might expect. The next day, we went to a local yarn shop and got talking to the owner about the costumes from the prior night and we mentioned the Pinata – turned out it was her and a friend in the costume! They showed us video they took from inside. They had cheesy mariachi music and margaritas too ! very fun
We also spent some time at the Nantucket Winery / Whiskey distillery / Nantucket Brewery. Despite what you might think about such a combo organization – they do a VERY nice job with their products and have a great outdoor tasting setup. We had a very good time sitting in the sun, tasting and then having someone else (Uber) pick us up and take us back to town 🙂
- the very family oriented Halloween in Nantucket Town
And some more photos after Halloween
- Random people spicing up my shot – Surfside Beach, Nantucket November 2017
And finally December 2017 and year end – snow and ice
up until late November and early December, it was deceptively mild here in New England. It has been COLD since then however – we had an ice storm around Christmas and it has snowed a lot and stayed very cold to very, very cold since then. Well below zero overnight and some days very windy, creating a strong wind chill. Lots of hot chocolate
- Selfie on the way home from work on Boston Common – up the hill behind me is the Mass. State House. This is right near the Park Street Red Line station and also happens to be across the street of 2 Park Street – the location of my Mom’s first job
and finally – everyone please stay warm!