July has arrived and it is HOT but some cool stuff has been happening here
My parent’s and I have been pulling my house into final order as prep for Meghan, Jeff, Mason and Owen arriving and spending time here in Carlisle. They are going to stay at my house while I stay at my parents. All the stuff that was on my plan for ‘eventually’ is actually happening and it is GOOD. Art is being hung up, furniture is being used, books are being unpacked from boxes and put up on shelves.
So far this weekend, we assembled my new dining chairs (3 out of 4 arrived – the 4th should be Monday or Tuesday). They are transparent acrylic and come in super fun colors – appropriately enough from Flash Furniture. I took the advice of some of the Amazon reviewers and purchased rollerblade wheels and used them instead of the wheels that came with the chair – just as insurance against scratching the hardwood floor. My they roll like wicked now.
I also got some more book shelves. Today will be unpacking the remaining books and placing things on shelves – or as much as we have energy for
what do you think?
- 3 of 4 dining chairs in place – last one should arrive tomorrow – pale lime green
- Mid Century Modern chairs next to Spanish leather hunting chairs
- my Dad giving the chairs a test fit. VERY comfortable and they roll around like, well like rollerblades!
- refurbished end table in its designed position – next to the Barcelona chairs
- I actually have furniture now!