Design Philosophy Series: Building a mid-century modern Atomic Ranch – A visualization

Deck Acorn has given me permission to post up a photo of the 3D rendering their Design department did for my house – this was still in the pre-visualization stage of things as we were working on finalizing.  I was pretty sure that I would not need an outside architect based on what I had seen from their in-house Design team (that is a design step they walk through with you – can their in-house service do what you want or do you need the particular genre style an architect that fits for you?)

– this output locked it in perfectly and we were off to the races!

Rendering of my house from Deck after we settled on the main design principles

Rendering of my house from Deck after we settled on the main design principles

This entry was posted in Deck House project 9961, House design Influences, Mid Century Modern Atomic Ranch - design thoughts. Bookmark the permalink.

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