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LoTRO - Firefoot -
Resources for the my friends (and anybody else who happens to wander by the garden gate and snoops over the hedge ;-)
created and maintained by Fogsong
mod date: 12/31/2009
mod date: 04/27/2010
mod date: 07/08/2010
- split page up
mod date: 10/15/2010 - updated information post
Free2Play changes where the Classic Annuminas & Helegrod sets were given boosts.
Included the Light versions of the Level55 Annuminas sets for the fun of it
since they are so good. A thing to note, the Runekeepers Helegrod set is
weird - it has Might and Agility while RK's can't melee? I got all
information from the In-Game Classic Skirmish Vendor NPCs as the Lorebook is
broken/not updated with this info at this time
mod date: 05/07/2011 - added a bunch of misc. combinations for Captains
looking to mix and match Helegrod gear (for the 4 piece set bonus on the Rally
Cry cool-down). If you are going healing, I think the best way to go would
be to mix 4 Helegrod with the Annuminas armor, cloak and shield and go sword and
board - if you are looking to fully commit to it. You give up some Will
and will have to make that up in a pocket item or with jewellry. Looks
interesting however - but also takes a lot of Superior Third marks and Annuminas
and Helegrod marks (plus that means going with a single handed weapon).
Crafted Armour vs. Various Radiance Gear
I decided to give myself some homework regarding Radiance, crafted
armour and what not - mostly because I was having a problem doing this
all in my head!
Below is a compilation of what I thought were pertinent Armour &
Stat values and I
focused on what "Mix and Match" would look like as you move from
to Instance Radiance gear . I used the Character Sheet tab
from the
site to organize my columns (Left-to-Right direction, upper left and
then down to lower
right) - because in the Lore Book, the values on items are like
jack-straws and all mixed up from entry to entry - this makes my little
Guardian brain hurt. All values are based on the online Lore Book
information -
which as we know is 99.8% accurate, but there are gaps and
errors in that last little smidge. Additionally, this was hand
built so I may have
accidentally included a typo - please let me know if you find one and I
will fix it.
Finally - I am treating "Casual Raid" to be the so-called Tier 1
Radiance runs in Moria and Tier 1 instances in Mirkwood (Sword Halls
etc..) - they are accessible without any gating radiance and everyone
will get a drop on every boss - regardless if you do 'hard' or 'easy'
mode. If you show some determination, you can score all this gear
without being "hard core" (you at least need to be competent however!)
Note: As of the most recent Turbine announcements (October 2010),
elimination of Radiance and changes to the Legendary Item's are scheduled but
will not be included in the next release - they are a minimum of two (2)
releases away and there is obviously no ETA for that!
NOTE 1: ICMR= In Combat Morale Regeneration, OCMR= Out of Combat Morale Regeneration, ICPR and OCPR are the same for Power
NOTE 2: "Plat Coin Spirit" in my table means the "Platinum Coin of Spirit" which drops in the hard core raids in Moria
NOTE 3: I noticed that the Lore Book seems to have Tactical Crit
ratings in both % and +rating numbers - I suspect the +rating numbers
got tweaked in Siege of Mirkwood and the % ones did not and they forgot
to sweep the database to update the 'look & feel' - so my suspicion
is that the % items perform the same in this case as they always did
but are just presented in the old methodology
NOTE 4: I ignored the high value Radiance gear in
Moria and Mirkwood - my assumption is that if you are hard core enough
to successfully get it, you don't really need this help - I am pretty
casual so it is unlikely I will see the Moria high end raids till I am level
90 or so - lol
NOTE 5: Source Excel file is here - just in case I lose my local copy - however, please feel free to take it and use as a template for your own project
updated with new F2Play info
updated with new F2Play info
updated with new F2Play info
Guardian- updated with new F2Play info
Hunter -
updated with new F2Play info