Good morning – A couple of days till the summer solstice and summer is definitely here.
I was down and out last weekend due to the flu – so this is a bit of a catch up post, I didn’t feel very creative last week!
Things are moving into the home stretch at the house – the Carlisle Tax Assessor sent me a letter with a form to fill out (by month end) indicating how many bits and pieces are complete on the house (septic, foundation, insulation…). The town’s fiscal year starts in July I think and they want to start collecting more taxes I suppose. I am going to leave a copy of the form with Paul to fill out – it is basic YES/NO – is this complete or not type stuff.
Speaking of which, detail work is continuing and is very coordination/schedule driven I think. The flooring guys came in and did a 2nd coat on the floor – which looks fantastic. The lighting fixture for over the island is coming together – the beechwood box is onsite and also looks REALLY good. Diane, my project manager at Deck House, noted to me that Paul is really good with built-ins when we were introduced and it is definitely true – you rock AND roll Paul!
Bathrooms are coming along and very close to finished. I also saw this weekend that the last two exterior light fixtures from Hubbarton Forge appear to be onsite in their boxes – waiting for installation.
Things I still need to do but have been backlogged (at work, this is the busiest time of the year for us. Friday was a big push and month end coming up. All went well this week)
- Get the stone carver lined up to carve the house number on the granite post out by the mailboxes. I think we are going to have Acton Monument do the work – but haven’t called them yet. They appear to do mainly headstone engraving – which is obviously a lot of onsite work when adding ‘beloved spouse…” to a headstone already installed.
- Get a mailbox and post installed out by Bedford Road
- Get my butt in gear and get my internet equipment purchased. This is what I am looking at getting the Cradlepoint Wireless Router with a Yagi antenna – getting in touch with their Mass. sales team is challenging since we keep playing phone tag.
- Get kitchen backsplash designed and ordered. I pulled measurements yesterday. I think I going with a stainless steel system from Commerce Metals online – stainless in the SANDTEX finish (scroll to the bottom) to minimize streaks. We use some aluminum foil and masking tape to mock it up and it looked really good color/texture wise on the wall.
- LOTS of other stuff – but these are the critical path items at the moment.
I hope you all are enjoying your summer weekend. Now some more coffee and to plan my next San Francisco trip
- 2nd coat of finish is on the floor. In the background is the overhead light box fixture getting ready for installation
- More I-Beam details!
- view of what dining will look like
- Custom beech wood light fixture for over the island. Cooking dinner at night needs lighting. Paul has done a fantastic job on the built ins
- different angle
- Track lighting turned on. I think the black lighting with the black sprinklers goes together nicely. Much better than my alternative choice which was brazed copper pipe (though that would be cool too!)
- Guest bathroom vanity is basically done. The toilet was installed but has been removed now
- Master bath vanity
- Master bath walk in shower. The glass partition is not yet installed. The bathroom sky lights really help brighten both bathrooms – since they are fully in the interior, light and ventilation are important and I think Deck House really got things right