Tag Archives: Deck House project 9961

Blacksmith work at Fohlfield and house update

My brother Jeff, SiL Meghan and nephews Mason (8 yrs) and Owen (1.5 yrs) have been visiting for about 2 weeks now and we have been having a fantastic great time with some good adventures too. Yesterday it was a … Continue reading

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Further progress on Bedford road

The house is starting to take shape and look like a house The Santa Rosa Fohls are enjoying their visit to Carlisle and we made a couple of stops over to see how the house is progressing.  Quick & obvious … Continue reading

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Construction continues

This week, construction has continued quickly – the beams supporting the house are almost completely in on late Friday – Paul was confident they would finish either today or Monday. The guy from Salem Five was onsite to document progress. … Continue reading

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Bedford road construction progress

Things are progressing quickly on the house building front and I thought I would show what is going on.  Below is an excerpt from my post back in May after the blasting as a point of reference. Compare that to … Continue reading

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Foundation work almost complete!

Went over to the Bedford road construction site this morning and the foundation work is almost complete.  The major concrete action is done and I believe we are waiting for inspection.  Paul Hebert (my general contractor) and I finished (I … Continue reading

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Blasting movie, site work and getting ready for the house foundation

In this prior post, you can see the site work prep for blasting of the rock ledge in order to prep it for the coming foundation – a rounded dome of hard rock with a 140 holes drilled into it … Continue reading

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Happy Memorial day and photos of blasting prep

Beautiful day here in Carlisle today – cool (60’s) and windy.  Did some mowing, some roof rack prep on the cars, bought a dump sticker for my car, got gas for the tractor and dropped by Bedford Road to see … Continue reading

Posted in Construction progress, Deck House project 9961 | Tagged | Leave a comment

Marking out the house foundation and rock – LOTS of rock!

The prep stage for any project always seems longest – but it is where a project is made or broken.  This past week or so the foundation was marked out at my house site and then the last of the … Continue reading

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