Category Archives: Uncategorized

stone work for the border of my lawn

As part of my terms and conditions still outstanding, I need to mark off with some sort of permanent markers the maximum edges of “lawn” which is essentially where the siltation barriers were.  This is totally fine as it is … Continue reading

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Scotts Valley Fohl family visit to Carlisle

Jeff, Meghan, Mason and Owen left to go back to Scotts Valley on Friday (today is a rainy Sunday morning).  We had a GREAT time and I hope they did as well. Unfortunately the subsidiary that I work for is … Continue reading

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Welcome to July!

July has arrived and it is HOT but some cool stuff has been happening here My parent’s and I have been pulling my house into final order as prep for Meghan, Jeff, Mason and Owen arriving and spending time here … Continue reading

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Old Home Day in Carlisle, 2018   (click here for the newly revamped website with great photos – definitely capture the feel of OHD) Good morning all – this year’s Old Home Day in Carlisle was a bit cold and damp with occasional showers, but definitely … Continue reading

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Catching up and moving into summer

Its been a bit since my last update – mostly because work has been taking up a lot of my mental energy.  Our 3 way merger has evolved now into a 5 way merger and the time frames have not … Continue reading

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Spring, wonderful spring…. urrr – what?

Spring is taking its sweet time showing up in Carlisle this year – it is not particularly unusual for things to be snowy, cold or unsettled in March – but this year we have had 3 Nor’Easters in the first … Continue reading

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Metal working stuff this weekend in Carlisle

Good morning – we are going through a spring thaw here in New England – it got up to the high 40’s yesterday and for the next week, it is supposed to bounce around from the 20’s to the high … Continue reading

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Tithe Barn Shepherd’s Huts coming to Carlisle Massachusetts

Somehow or other, I imagined that I had put this information up on my blog before this but as I was writing out my other post of today about blacksmith vises and my future mobile blacksmith forge, I realized that … Continue reading

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Project stuff in the dead of January

Good morning all – I hope you are all enjoying the long MLK weekend and thinking of all the interesting people that you know who are not the same as you?  I have this weekend – but maybe not in … Continue reading

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Minus 11 degrees

EDIT – if you are seeing slow performance, apologies for that – it seems like my hosting provider, for unclear reasons, moved my website to a server farm in London UK.  I have no idea why A cold start to … Continue reading

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